Exploring the Worlds of Jewish Mysticism: Kabbalah for Tomorrow
May 8, 2017 @ 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm

Monday Night Musings: Adult Learning Initiative
Exploring the Worlds of Jewish Mysticism: Kabbalah for Tomorrow
Simcha Raphael, Ph.D
Monday nights – 7:30pm
5/8, 5/15, 5/22
What is Kabbalah?
How are Kabbalistic teachings relevant to our spiritual lives?
How can we use the teachings of Jewish mysticism to better understand God and to expand our souls?
Simcha Raphael, Ph. D. is Founding Director of the DA’AT Institute for Death Awareness, Advocacy, and Training. He is an adjunct Professor in Psychology Department at Brynn Athyn College and works as a psychotherapist and spiritual director. He is also a Fellow of the Rabbis Without Borders network and author of Jewish Views of the Afterlife.
Location: Beth Sholom Congregation
8231 Old York Road Elkins Park PA
Questions/RSVP? Contact
or 215-887-1342 x109